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classified as terminal - The survival rate of her patients was purely amazing.
parazapper Views: 3,605
Published: 9 y
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classified as terminal - The survival rate of her patients was purely amazing.

No, Clark believed that her complete protocol could cure all disease given time and that someone's body had not already been destroyed by radiation or chemotherapy.

She knew very well that there was probably a point of no return but she was not going to discourage people by telling them to go home and die.

The title was a great one because it got a lot of attention and gave hope to a lot of dying people, but it should have also been subtitled "a stitch in time saves nine". That is because the earlier that one takes their health into their own hands, the better their chances and results will be.

If you have done chemotherapy and it did not help, then your chances of survival are far lower, regardless. Cleaning up your environment and your body never ever hurts and is far more likely to save your life. NO ONE ever got cancer because they have not taken enough poison, radiation, or surgery.

Even to the point that many people at risk of Breast Cancer have a mastectomy to remove all breast tissue before it can show up. What happens? The cancer just shows up near where the breasts were.

I think that in a sad way, it is hilarious that people go and pay $10,000 or more to drink poison rather than try a $400 zapper and a few dollars worth of herbs. The finally, when insurance has run out and they are sent home to die they come screaming and crying for a zapper. They spend a fortune on chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery rather than eating the right food, getting rid of toxic household chemicals and other environmental pollutants, and avoiding things that cause cancer, such as vaccinations, BPA, etc.

Considering that in the last few years while she was in Mexico, Dr. Clark only accepted people who had been classified as terminal by an allopathic doctor, The survival rate of her patients was purely amazing.



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