Re: personal attacks
Thank you,
I agree absolutely that this needs to stop and this is not the first time that I have had groups of people gang up against me but it is definitely the worst.
:- For the record, every time 461 accuses someone of being an employee working for a cartel
It is almost always in response to someone attacking their post and I can back this up with a lot of examples.
Some of the following posters have commented that they did not think that some other posters had made defamatory or inflammatory comments that deserved my responses but I must disagree with that. If someone calls me a liar or even implies such it is definitely personal. Some of the past attacks have conditioned me to have knee-jerk reactions. Sorry, I do not like responding in such ways.
I very strictly do my best to be as completely honest and fair as I can.
As for those who promote drugs, it is also their right to do so. I have not had a history of attacking them unless I have been attacked by them first.
Also, the only post that I have made on the Rx forum was in reaction to defamatory posts that some of those followers had made regarding zappers failing to work for anyone. I will note, that I was very careful not to actually list ParaZapper successes, only those from other zappers. Those show plainly that most any zapper can be successful at least some of the time.
I just got tired of the perpetuation of the lie that zappers do not work. Zappers have helped many thousands of people, many who have never even heard of the CureZone.
Also, what you say about people claiming to be cured but still claiming to be looking for a solution is very much to the point.
As for those who are afflicted, I am in great hopes that they find their answers. That however becomes very difficult when people cause such dissent and commotion.
What is needed is a peaceful co-existance and acceptance that what does not work for one person might work very well for another.
If you used a zapper and did not get good results, that is fine for someone to fairly speak out about and even Dr. Thiel's study points out that not everyone has good results. At the same time, is also points out that for some reason, most participants did have notable improvement.
Also, if there is a model of zapper that you tried and did not like, first tell the manufacturer in all fairness. At least twice a year, we send out a newletter giving updates to our customers and at the same time, asking what needs to be done to improve our products and saying that if you have any issues, please contact us.
It is fair to say that you do not like the long wires, or that you do not like that they are permanently attached to the zapper, or that you prefer alligator clips. But, it is completely unfair to call any product junk without a fair offering of why that is your opinion. That is nothing but abusive.
Sadly, in some cases, there is not much that we can do to correct an issue from as long ago as 12 years. We have made a lot of improvements since the CCa and it is extremely unfair for someone to post an implication that our current products as junk. As far as that goes, we have hundreds of testimonials that claim that that person was wrong.
Even when I am critical of a competitor's product, I try to post as fairly as possible and include visual documentation or at least a good description of the issues. This is fair.
Also, repetitive requests for information that is not legal to be supplied is harassment. Some people waste a lot of forum space as well as my time and the time of others, forcing people to respond to that same harassment over and over and over and over. In fact, there are probaly over 25 and possibly 50 discussions where Davidlol posts the exact same statements repeatedly. He is disrespecting others who are here by telling them that they are too stupid to see that I do not post any claims where ParaZapper is sold. He would be doing a better service to zapper users by posting a bit about each and every zapper that he has used, giving both pros and cons of each.
If Davidlol was really interested in the reasons that I am not answering his request for proof, he would read the letter that was sent to me by the FDA. And then if he is smart, he might even read between the lines.
If you used a zapper and it did not do anything, please specifically post a fair disclosure of your experience. That is welcome. But bashing a product that you have not even bothered to try is completely out of line and is harassment.
The same can be true for pharmaceuticals. Post about your own experience. That is fair. But be fair in that post, If you had out of norm experiences, people deserve to know about that too, regardless of the product that was used.