Q: toxic vs true hunger
I have a question:
What is toxic hunger symptoms?
How do you make the difference with true hunger.
Some Hx connected to the question from the last of my fasts:
I was quite toxic for 8 days (where the first 3 my body was dealing with acute sinus congestion and got rid of it). I had increasing weakness, started being short of breath when going to the bathroom, or getting water, had muscle spasm-contractions which became more and more frequent including the night of day 8. That night I was extremely hungry, as in "I can not sleep in the night, just thinking of being hungry". I ate 2 small apples in the wee hours very slowly and did the same 3-4 times on day 9; this put me to sleep most of that day; I had also green juices during the first 3 days after breaking the fast, since I knew I have electrolyte imbalance (having these cramps, alleviated only by rest or spraying some potassium or magnesium on the muscles, or by
Epsom Salt foot-soak). Then lettuce and fruit next 2 days. On the third day I was still very hungry and had 1 avocado, which tapered the hunger for 3 hrs, then I was hungry every 3-4 hrs, respectively ate small quantities chewing thoroughly, until on day 7-8 of re-feeding, I believe, I returned to pre-fast weight and my hunger normalized. I know it was not an ideally timed re-feed and was more than advised - but that insatiable hunger made me think it was what I need.
Was it really TRUE hunger, or toxic? or some kind of deficiency-fueled hunger?
Thank you,