Re: Weight Loss? How Long have you been on MC and How much have you lost so far?
sounds like a plan to me. i am talking to all my loved ones and they are getting into it. my sister just started the cleanse and in a few hours my time and a half an hour ago her time, she began day two. my mom and a couple of my aunts may start too. . . my boyfriend is even considering it because he's been experiencing some health problems surrounding insomnia and headaches (which go hand-in-hand). . . but he is also only like 160 lbs at 6'6'' so he's got his reservations.
anyway, the point of all this is that i think i will stay on it at least up to my 10 day period if i can muster the mental clarity, and then i will attempt to stay with it as long as my family members are on. that could put me at any number of days, and from there i may even have more motivation to continue, you know? we'll see though. i am mainly just doing the whole 'one day at a time' thinking so that i can stay focused, but all these things are factors which could make me into the kind of success story that the lady you mentioned achieved in her cleanse. though, that's not certain as i said. . . the recommendation is between 10-40 days (the book says that health •can• be maintained afterwards, but it doesn't specify to what point) did she follow up, btw? did she ever say whether or not she kept it off and stayed healthy?