what was your starting weight with that? i'm thinking i want to do like 10 days and i think i weigh like 153 (or that's what it was when i got my last pap test). I have another appointment on March 9th, so I should be done with my cleanse by then and that's the next time I'll see a scale since I don't have one in my apartment. I want to get back down into 120 or so. My average weight throughout my adult life has been about that, but then I quit smoking and started eating heavily for awhile to compensate for the hand-mouth-coordination habit. . . and then I fell in love with a man who can cook. So here I am at 153. Does anyone think I can get to my goal in 10 days? My boyfriend is coming home tomorrow or the following day, but he's also very supportive so that may be a good thing for this cleanse. Sorry for all the chatter. I've been very wired all of day four and a good deal of day three. . . but tomorrow's day five!!! In my last experience, day five is my most balanced day and I just feel like I hit my stride.
Well, best of luck to everyone, I'm off to make more lemonade. I look forward to reading your comments and insights.