Bubby, your case is beginning to sound more and more like strongyloides. I believe, based on reading, that there may be many people tested using the Elisa test whose results are a false negative--they have it, but the tests say they don't. This is because they don't have enough natural antibodies.
I also had extreme muscle wasting for a couple of years. I was very cold all the time with a low body temperature. I could hardly lift a gallon of milk. This is probably a maldigestion/malabsorption issue and think you should take HCL with pepsin and digestive enzymes. I take NOW Betaine HCL (648 mg) 2 capsules with each meal. I also take NOW Super Enzymes 2 with each meal. I also drink homemade kefir.
My temperature is up, I'm no longer cold and most of my muscle mass has returned.
Early on I used ICU's protocol with mostly albendazole and some ivermectin. I would have made a lot more progress with mainly ivermectin. I also believe fenbendazole works, too.