Re: More on healing the sick in Jesus name
Sure there are some things that are left a mystery to us about God but I don't think the issue of physical healing for this life being in the atonement or not is one of them.
And apparently almost all of the Word of FAith, NAR, "healers", etc. can't separate whether healing is for today with the issue of healing being in the atonement because they write books about healing being in the atonement all the time, constantly preach about it in their messages, etc. And like I said when I read the messages for that country music singer with late stage cancer, a huge percentage of the messages will be about healing being in the atonement. So apparently it is important for the whole idea of healing being for today for all these people, and apparently they can't separate the two ideas.
I on the other hand do not believe physical healing for this life is in the atonement but I believe God still heals today according to His will.
I do not believe in "healers" for today as I've discussed many times with you and given reasons and evidence as to why I don't. I haven't avoided the issue at all but I don't want to keep repeating myself. You can review all the previous discussions if you've forgotten what I've said about all that.