Re: More on healing the sick in Jesus name
MST: You imagine you have addressed all of my other points, but i feel this is just an expression of your unwillingness to deal with the rational truth i present which would be difficult for you to contend against in any kind of honest way that would not make you look irrational :). Why you discount the Lord's instructions about healing as a whole because you feel some people teach imperfect finer doctrinal points about it for example. I know it's much easier for you to avoid these direct questions than to actually deal with them, so i get it.
Vek: You may not like or agree with my answers but we have discussed these very issues before that are in your post and there is no need to keep discussing the same points again because you still won't like or agree with my answers because they will be the same and then your answers back will be the same. I'm trying to avoid being insane here. lol
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
--Albert Einstein
MST: I believe that Jesus atoning for sin is much more clear cut as well as carrying much more eternal significance, would you not agree? As well are you not able to see that one is salvational and the other is not? Why would the non salvational issue of whether healing is covered in the atonement be as important to you as the salvational issue of sin being covered, to the point where you would allow it to derail you?
Vek: Of course I believe that Jesus's atonement for sin has much more eternal significance and that obviously that is a salvational issue whereas physical healing is not. That's my whole point which is why I think it is a detrimental false teaching to teach that physical healing is in the atonement. If it is, then it works just like the atonement for sin works and the logical conclusion would be just as Benny Hinn says, they go together, so if you are not healed, you better be wondering if you are actually saved. And that's why it's so important for my relationship with Jesus to get to the bottom of what he actually atoned for because if I find myself not physically healed at any point in my life, I don't want to be wondering if I'm really not saved either. Physical healing for this life is either in the atonement or it's not and I believe it's very important to know which it is. We all know that so many cases where someone isn't healed, it's blamed on lack of faith. Who would feel secure in their salvation if they believed they lacked faith?
It's also very important because no christian wants to deny what Jesus accomplished on the cross whether it's salvational or not. Those that teach that physical healing for this life was in the atonement will say things like "it's a shame to be sick when Jesus died for your sicknesses. You are denying what he did on the cross!" What would it do to our relationship with God if we were walking in shame because we weren't healed and thinking we were denying what Jesus suffered so much to accomplish for us? Talk about a joy stealer.
There's a lot more I could say about how knowing the truth of this could affect our relationship with Jesus. Truth is important. It's not being nitpicky to want to get to the bottom of these important issues especially when the lies are all around us and we need to know the truth to combat them.