Re: Should you space CS apart from other supplements?
RE: Also, how much CS should be taken daily to prevent disease?
Since silver is not a recognized part of the human diet, I'm not sure we should be taking it as a preventative supplement.
RE: How much should be taken daily after disease strikes?
I think you'll find that this may vary based on the type of disease or condition. ie, many people will nebulize CS when they begin feeling a cold. And will continue to do so until things clear. Whereas others may undergo a full regiment of oral CS(under the tongue and swallowing incrementally) multiple times per day until conditions improve and several days afterwards.
RE: Is it true that taking "too much" CS will kill our good gut flora that resides in the large intestine?
It is said, though I can't substantiate this myself in spite of having taken CS several times per day, every day for over 3 years.
RE: I just received this new portable ultrasonic nebulizer today. I LOVE it. It is silent and does not waste any Colloidal Silver .
Our family makes use of these same units also and with great success. Which have proven to be very good in spite of the relatively low cost.