RE: Also, how much CS should be taken daily to prevent disease?
Since silver is not a recognized part of the human diet, I'm not sure we should be taking it as a preventative supplement.
RE: How much should be taken daily after disease strikes?
I think you'll find that this may vary based on the type of disease or condition. ie, many people will nebulize CS when they begin feeling a cold. And will continue to do so until things clear. Whereas others may undergo a full regiment of oral CS(under the tongue and swallowing incrementally) multiple times per day until conditions improve and several days afterwards.
RE: Is it true that taking "too much" CS will kill our good gut flora that resides in the large intestine?
It is said, though I can't substantiate this myself in spite of having taken CS several times per day, every day for over 3 years.
RE: I just received this new portable ultrasonic nebulizer today. I LOVE it. It is silent and does not waste any Colloidal Silver .
Our family makes use of these same units also and with great success. Which have proven to be very good in spite of the relatively low cost.
For myself I never thougt of CS being a supplement, or a peventative, but rather a replacement for the gunk that Big pharma gets their doctors to write prescriptions for.
If taken that way, one of your supplements should be a good probiotic.
Actually I think health can be had with the old fashion way of a good lifestyle. Eating good food that isn't mucked up by pesticides GMO's and all the other crap that food processors put in their cans, jars, and packages. Along with exercise, sun shine and avoiding as much enviromental toxins as you can.
CS is good for things like the flu, colds, sore throats, infections, and other things that come your way that you can't avoid.
Drinking it daily is for those that sell 5000 PPM large jars that you can dilute and end up with a couple of dozen jars LOL
It's good for business. LOL
How much CS should be taken daily to prevent disease?
How much should be taken daily after disease strikes?
I Haven't been taking CS internally so I'm not the one to ask.
Is it true that taking "too much" CS will kill our good gut flora that resides in the large intestine?
I have never heard that the amount of CS mattered, But I always thought it could which is why I haven't taken it internally.
There are some that say it doesn't, and some that think it only targets anaerobic bacteria.
It's hard to get a straight answer because many sell it, so they wouldn't say anything negative about it.
RE: That is 6 ounces a day. Have you had any problems with your good gut flora being destroyed?
Not that I'm aware of.
Though keep in mind that I hold all of my CS under the tongue for a good measure of time, and that I swallow it very slowly(incrementally). And so, it's possible that the anti-bacterial properties of the CS are mostly neutralized by the time it reaches the digestive tract.
RE: PS) What do you think of this CS Generator?
As you may very well know by now, I am a huge proponent of building your own. Though if I had to purchase a generator today, I'd look for one with the most flexibility in terms of processing. Such as, with the ability to monitor both the voltage and amperage during processing.
Beyond this, I'd look for a unit that does not make use of reversing polarity, as this results in the liberation of larger silver particulates in solution as opposed to the aggregation on the cathode.
And finally, I'd look for unit that provides the ability to override or by-pass the cut-off point, so as to have full control on the type of solutions to make.
- And while this may not be most CS generator friendly advice(out there), I've developed these ideals as a result of years of CS production, which have proven to be the most beneficial in terms of solution quality and flexibility.