Re: Should you space CS apart from other supplements?
For myself I never thougt of CS being a supplement, or a peventative, but rather a replacement for the gunk that Big pharma gets their doctors to write prescriptions for.
If taken that way, one of your supplements should be a good probiotic.
Actually I think health can be had with the old fashion way of a good lifestyle. Eating good food that isn't mucked up by pesticides GMO's and all the other crap that food processors put in their cans, jars, and packages. Along with exercise, sun shine and avoiding as much enviromental toxins as you can.
CS is good for things like the flu, colds, sore throats, infections, and other things that come your way that you can't avoid.
Drinking it daily is for those that sell 5000 PPM large jars that you can dilute and end up with a couple of dozen jars LOL
It's good for business. LOL