Re: constant spaced out, dissociated state. need help.
Hi Tom,
I feel for you, this is a very difficult condition to be in. But first you need to believe that all conditions are reversible and so is the one you are in. It is very difficult to label what you have or matter of fact label anyone else's condition because all of these conditions are a spectrum.
You need to examine why are you in this state so you can find the root cause and work on that rather than fix the symptoms. So major reasons one gets sick are....environmental toxins, toxins from foods we eat and toxic thoughts. Since you do not mention what you eat and you ate for last decade that may be one thing you need to look at. Our western SAD diet is a biggest killer of all, but no one will agree or believe it, well majority of us.
Then you need to check if you have had any
parasite infestation or any environmental toxins, it could be from working in toxic air.
First, put warm castor oil drops in your nose to kill the infection. Also you can put a few drops in your ears. Make sure it is cool enough to touch.
Gut microbium is now known to have a huge impact on
Depression and anxiety. So clean your colon and eat foods such as Kimchi and Kefir to recolonize your gut. If you are not doing it already, just eat raw fruits and vegetables. Cut out all sugars, oils, alcohol and processed foods, not even a little bit should be in your diet. Take Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid crystals), St. John's Wort, Kava. When you feel anxious put a few drops of glycerin under your tongue. Do not eat after 7pm, your liver needs to be free to clean your body between 7pm and 6am.
Continue liver flushes, one or two flushes will not clean your liver/GB.
Exercise everyday by walking 20 minutes a day.
Meditate everyday for at least five minutes.
Sleep at a regular time everyday early as possible and wake up early as possible.
This will not be an easy road, but you will be heal one day. It did not take you a few days to be this way, it will take long time to correct it.
Good thing is that you are here and not on the road of allopathic drugs and a way of fixing symptoms and not the cause.