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Re: Nasal Worms- My struggle

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Flossy Views: 4,453
Published: 10 y
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Re: Nasal Worms- My struggle

I also believe I have parasites up in my sinuses. I have had bird mites/Springtails for four years.

My body is clear of them and I am working on my feet now.

Throughout my treatments I have regularly developed a disgusting smell inside my nose. Nobody else can smell it.

I also regularly hear a click inside my right ear.

I'll write down what I did and continue to do.

I researched the old-fashioned methods of clearing parasites and then read up a lot on the use of Spirit Gum Turpentine and Kerosene.

Kerosene used to be inhaled to treat TB. That freaked me out a little, so I went with the Spirit Gum Turpentine.

NOT straight.

- I emptied out a nasal spray and half-filled it with salty boiled water that had cooled.

- I added 2 drops of Spirit Gum Turpentine (from a hardware store, not Turpentine, it must be Spirit Gum as this is a resin from pine trees)

- Three times a day I shook hell out of it and immediately sprayed up my nostril and sucked it up at the same time, hoping to get it into my sinuses.

- Each day I would add another one or two drops until I reached a concentration that I felt was effective and comfortable

- After a week all of the excess mucus has gone.

- Then I added Fenbendazole/Panacur into the nasal spray bottle and I am using that twice a day.

- I am also spraying this mixture into my right ear.

From my reading, spirit gum Turpentine is thought to dissolve the biofilm that parasites surround themselves with.

In your position I would begin an oral protocol such as the ICU protocol. Read it all carefully, print it out so you can double-check things.

Dont' expect a cure immediately, you may have to start another long term protocol for an extra twelve months after finishing the ICU regime.

You can stop the anti-histamines as they won't aide the cure.
I think this is worth a try for you. Do it carefully and sensibly and be consistent. Put the spray where you see it regularly.

I hope this helps you a bit.

I have ordered myself a DeBliss atomiser to do this with as their mist is very fine. I got an antique one off Ebay. But for your purposes the chemist bought one will do the job.



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