I gave up a bed and sheets long ago. I bought a massage table and covered it in a vinyl encasement and have a heated far infrared massage mat under the vinyl encasement and only sleep with a mylar blanket and a heating pad. I use a vinyl encasement for my pillow too. I got tired of washing all my bedding every night. With my new setup, I just wipe down the whole thing with Lysol wipes and spray the blanket and everything with Lysol. To get around the sweating factor, I found that wearing wicking cool dry polyester long under garments to bed makes the vinyl setup tolerable. I also wear mostly this type of fabric clothing as I found most everything else is just infested like Clew's photos reveal. It's not the most desirable setup but anyone with this monstrosity knows that there are literally life or death choices we have to make with this condition. Although some of those choices may not be the ones we would ever imagine ourselves having to make, it ultimately comes down to survival. For the time being, I chose survival and practicality over fashion.