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the many possible solutions to getting and staying healthy
DesertLili Views: 2,402
Published: 10 y
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the many possible solutions to getting and staying healthy

Complex situations need complex approach, more so because we communicate over posts and the information is never complete. Health does not come through one-size-fit-all solution. I agree that parasites and the LF, Elimination Diet may be also things to look into, as the others suggested.
Strong nails and falling hair point toward possible gluten (stop wheat, rye, barley and oats) intolerance or other auto-immune predisposition, further more, if taking into account thyroid problems. This may make also lead an overt or sub-clinical (undiagnosed) bowel inflammation, giving rise to malabsorption with multiple deficiencies. Deficiencies may be also induced by parasite, some of which are microbial parasites. I have had good experience with the Z4eX zapper in eliminating the latter.
If you took fluoride-based antidepressants you may have still secondary Iodine deficiency (you will need more than a medium dosage of Iodine to now flush out the fluoride fixated in your Pineal gland, the bones, teeth and other tissues).
I have had positive experience with all supplements I wrote about. I believe you will have to get the Tangy Tangerine in order to get you started on a higher functional level; (and then try to find out through experimentation what is your main source of problems). They say 2 scoops a day in the direction of use, but depending on your weight even 1/2 scoop may be enough to get you to better functioning. It also has B vitamins in it.
In order to make a raw diet work, you need loads of fruit (calories) and good green juicer, otherwise its very hard to consume all the bounty you need every single day (gorillas do it in nature, but they chew onto something all day long).
To help elimination of toxins you may also look into EDTA, Zeolite and NAC, as well as chlorella and cilantro in combination. Yopu can use SPirulina to get macro and micro nutrients.
One more thing. You may need to help your GIT with ginger, cloves, walnut hulls and garlic to kill off parasites (I have also done this, even though I did not have clear signs of parasitosis -- but hey, do you want to drag a un-diagnosed ailments or do you want to empirically find out if THIS was your problem?)


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