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Re: ill after water fast extreme weakness please help
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Re: ill after water fast extreme weakness please help

Do you have mercury almalgams? Did you have dental work done?

Were you on allopathic drugs for any length of time like anti-depressants?

Did you drink untreated water in Costa Rica on your fast?

Did you ever have a Hep C vaccine? This can damage your liver and actually give you Hep C. (Don't worry, you can heal it with liver flushing, etc.)

You could have gotten a bacterial or parasitic infection, doesn't matter if you're following the NH food protocols, you can still get infections regardless of what they tell you.

You are likely full of parasites as I, and everyone else, was. Die off from the bad bugs can cause these symptoms. Some have used arginine and ornithine to help. Don't take arginine if you'e had herpes problems.

Arginine wakes you up, ornithine makes you sleep.

The symptoms you are describing are from toxins re-entering your system from a liver trying to decongest but ultimately you are auto intoxicating yourself. They can make your nervous system feel paralyzed.

Chlorella helps, also algin.

Here's what to do now:
Coffee enemas, ASAP, like yesterday.
Then proceed immediately onto liver flushing, is what I would do and have done. Doc Sutter Coke Flush or Andreas Moritz protocol.
Add parasite cleansing, God's Herbs is what I found best for that
Do kidney cleanses along the way in the form of herbs.

Herbs are awesome, despite what NH says.

Stay on the raw vegan diet, it will save you in the end because it allows these remedies to actually do their job without having cooked food gumming up your pathways.

It will take you minimum one-two years to flush your liver and clean out your toxic reserves. You will have a re occurance of symptoms along the way, just keep going.

Trust me, I've been exactly where you are.

Natural Hygiene is great, BUT, they shove a lot of doctrine that can hurt you in the end, it did me.

You have to sift through the doctrine and just take the truly valuable info, like the diet, and move on.

We are in a new world with bio engineered bacteria, vaccines, etc. NH isn't enough anymore sadly.




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