ill after water fast extreme weakness please help
hello i'm new here i hope someone can help me
last year i did a only water fast for 37 days, supervised in costa rica. before that i had had severe cfs for 3 years with multiple symptoms. the fast was super tough, when i broke it, after 5 days energy started coming back and i didnt have any of the cfs symptoms anymore. i felt good, ate only fruit and salad. after 2 weeks i went for a nice walk as i was doing every day, but suddenly i felt unwell like something was wrong, headache and weak, i thought ok ill just rest and then be fine again. over the next days i got weaker and weaker, superviser couldnt tell me what was going on, this continued for a few weaks, i couldnt walk andymore nor use me arms much. it changed instantly almost magically when i introduced cooked food, simple potatoes etc. my body reacted strongly as if poisoned but the energy came back only a few hours after eating. the weakness slowly went away. over the months i grew stronger, built up muscles, following a natural hygiene diet with lots of fresh fruit and veggies and some simple starch foods and pulses, some avocado and nuts. but i always had to eat huge amounts to have enrgy and i needed a meal every 3-4 hours. i didnt have the cfs symptoms anymore though and for the first time in years i was able to ride a bike again, go out for grocery shopping and meeting people, doing yoga etc. then a few weeks ago the same crash happended as 2 weeks after the fast and i started getting really weak again, + headache and very irritable nervous system the first weak or two. also the two times i had had my period before that crash, it was exorbitantly painful, more blood than normally, lasted longer and very low energy. i went to doctors here, ruled out any neurological problem, standard defeciency problems like b12 etc. now i dont know what to do anymore. it gets worse and worse over time. i need help for everything, cant walk, it hurts the muscles and joints, same with the arms, muscles of neck and back. typing right now is painful. its extreme. it feels completely different to the cfs. if i dont eat it gets a lot worse. i have a lot of hunger/appetite. i certainly dont lack calories. i regained more than 20kg since the fast. i tried contacting different natural hygienist doctors but none could really make sense out of this. my general doctor here tells me i need protein and animal products and low carb, take aminoacid complex, desperate as i am i even tried that but its not working, quite the opposite, if i dont eat carbs i feel as if i dont eat at all, like my body cant do much with fat and protein, also digestion feels not good like that. i hope i explained comprehensively enough, my head is fuzzy.
please has anyone ever experienced anything like this, or have an idea about it, i dont know if its related or unrelated to the fast, or know somebody i could ask about this? or another forum? please please, id be so grateful
thank you