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Re: Parasite die off symptoms
illys / elisah Views: 1,740
Published: 10 y
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Re: Parasite die off symptoms

Get some charcoal powder capsules (classic hearttburn remedy, should be available at any pharmacy) and use those 30 mins to 1 hour after each powdered dose (not too close or it'll bind the anti- parasite drink). (use lots, 6-8 capsules)

The product you chose has protease and cellulase in it which breaks down biofilms (candida colonies) in the gut. Using plenty of charcoal powder and water will really help calm things down.

Have always been advised by the nutrition folk I have studied with to take it bit by bit with enzymes.

Anxiety is a classic die-off symptom. Not able to relax, mood swings, a little up, a little down? That's acetaldehyde, ammonia and other byproducts of the candida's sugar-based colonies being broken down. Charcoal helps bind and keep those from flooding the bloodstream- the ammonia from the candida is what's making you pee like a hoss. ;-)

Keep it up with the coconut water, it's a good thing.


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