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Re: Tea, fluoride and iodine: My story
azurefields Views: 8,143
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Re: Tea, fluoride and iodine: My story

Hi Burnt Marshmallow,

Glad you're finding your way back to health!

I'm pretty new at this Iodine therapy but the more I research and the further along I am in taking Iodine the more sure I am that bromine dominance theory is correct.

The ones who have gone before are pretty good at helping when you're having problems so just keep reading up on their advice and doing your own research and you'll get there. I'm sure you're on the right track.

It's pretty depressing news that you can find fluoride in the actual leaves because I drink at least a half a gallon of iced tea daily.

I guess after the detox period is over and I've gotten to Iodine sufficiency, I'll have to make sure to price in tea drinking in my assessment of how much iodine for a daily maintenance dose, to counter how much fluoride I'm taking in.


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