I know you don't hate anyone tomi, so I know you just want to continue this debate.
It's not wrong to be angry at sin or the consequences of sin...but if we hate vs love the person then we would fall into sin ourselves. If in a spiritual way (as in wanting their lives to change by the power of the Holy Spirit) we then love them in a supportive way. There is a difference in supporting sin and supporting and loving the person.
I look at it like this. If you have a child who grows up to be a bank robber...do you still love your child. Of course you do. What part are you angry at? The sin of stealing and all other sins that go into being a bank robber. If your child continues after all you have done to raise him up to be the person he was meant to be and still refuses to be changed by the power of your love.... What does a parent do? Does he welcome his child into his home and tell him to hide out here so the authorities can't find him, while he continues to steal? No..a parent hopefully would not do that. That is not true love. You would tell that child to repent and to make things right so the family home is free of the sin as well. For the home (Kingdom) will not be destroyed by sin...the Father will not allow it.
He however, still loves the sinning child and eagerly waits for the sinner's heart to turn, for the change to take place. If the child refuses, he has made a free will choice to be separate from his Father and the family, and becomes part of the world. Like the story of the prodigal son..we hope that their stay in the world is only temporary and that the remembrance of the love of the Father/family will draw him home again.