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Re: When in doubt, choose to love others
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Re: When in doubt, choose to love others

People who are not lost, do not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus did not come to save which was already saved. He did not come to be the Great Physician to those who are not sick. If we are not lost and sick, we don't need anything that He has. The prostitutes and tax collectors knew that they were lost...the pharisees did not because they could not see the sin in their lives.

Without the burden of sin on our hearts we will never ask Jesus to take the sin away.

I once heard a minister say that when talking to children about faith, they ask these questions. (1) Do you know what sin is? (2)Are you a sinner? Many children will say that sin is when they do something bad...but they will many times say they are not a sinner. So the minister knows that they are not ready to accept Christ.

For if we don't know we are sick and lost, people can say things like... Hey guy you look really sick and you look like you need to go see a doctor, but the person will only say they feel fine. To make matters worse, the guy asks friends and family whether he looks sick and they say look just fine as well. So he doesn't go to the (Great) Physician to find healing.

People don't want to talk about the sin that only Jesus is the cure. We never talk about the sickness...because it is now too (non)PC to talk about.

The third question asked in regards to conversion is about (3)repentance. Most people will say it's about turning from sin. Which is part of it, but it's also about changing of our minds.

A decision for Christ alone is not a completed conversion. Repentance is needed.


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