I think i do have them in my system, in my brain in my gut but the problem is if i take Antibiotics they will just come back because i still have teeth with large peridontal pockets...some of them are leaking puss. I worry about this puss going into my system but my doctors say the stomach acid will kill anything in it and its only white blood cells ?
i have candida so Antibiotics wouldnt be good...so what can i do. they wont give me antibioitcs anyway they blood tested me and all my tests are normal ..everything so they say no infection even CPR levels for inflammation.
When i take anything that "kills off" my terrifying/hallucinations/visions intensify, they are enough to push me over the edge....i would need serious support. Is this lyme disease?
and i cant prove i have spirocetes ..i am only guessing how can i test ? thank s