You can do Clarkia and the Lemonade Diet together- Because it's herbal. I'm not sure if anyone mentioned it to you.
I too have severe joint pain and numbness in my hands (my feet and knees too). It used to keep me awake at night. I still have trouble making a fist. I've flushed some of my symptoms away through bowel cleanse, parasite, kidney and liver flushes. It's a long process. I've been at it for about six months + and I'm just beginning to see it will take a while to fix any joint/ skeletal issues. Diet, exercise and flushing have greatly increased my well being. (the kidney cleanse has helped quite a bit - look into herbs that dissolve kidney stones) Some folks are on a kidney cleanse for over six months before they see a difference in their joints - but I hear it's worth it.
It's good you are taking control. Dive in and let the healing begin!