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Re: few questions regarding moist healing treatment.
jsl123 Views: 2,586
Published: 10 y
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Re: few questions regarding moist healing treatment.

dan i think you have mis understood my post. i don't think what so ever ec and chapped/peeling lips are the same at all! normal healthy people get chapped lips and also get tiny peeling flakes. ec is in a whole different category.

in regards to your cure regime i remember you stating that your mouth hygenine you believed played a big role in your healing. and i remember just before you stated you were cured you said you were using peroxide i think as mouth wash or putting peroxide on your lips or something? Do you still do this? And your teeth by the way always look great! do you get them bleached or anything at the dentist?

also do you put anything other then that avenoo natural lip balm on your lips these days? or is that all?

also your work out supplementation? i presume you take some sort of supps to help out with your body since you have been working out? do you take any like natural testorone or even just like protein powder etc?

and i guess we can have different views on the whole "normal people put chapstick on on everyday" Personally i disagree but thats my opinion and your entitled to yours!

anyways its been a longgg day at work and I'm wrecked! keep up the good work dan! and hope everybody out there is doing good!


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