whylipswhy I'm not even going to bother if your going to try and say daniki's lips don't look like dan millers and the rest of us who have ec I'm not even going to bother. yes probably now when your covering your lips continually with lip balms and "gently removing aka peeling aka taking off build up aka what ever you want to call it yes your lips won't look like danikis but if you leave ec alone like everybody who has done the leave it alone method you will see the true beats(ec) in its natural form and you will have a similar situation. (yellow crusts, inflammation, reddish, white when wet, peeling/shedding lips)
dan miller whats triggered you! Lol i don't know why your so flusted. iv never said your a liar or anything like that. all iv stated is that i personally think once ec is cured which means in my opion 100% cured a person would not have to applay anything to their lips especially daily and constantly. I know from the world i live in people especially men don't have to apply something daily to their lips especially 3 or 4 times to have normal lips in fact 99.999% of my mates don't ever apply anything to their lips maybe during winter if the weather is harsh for a couple of days. thats my opinion if people want to differ thats fine. I appreciate your contribution and am very happy to see your doing great and that your lips are great.