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Re: Did I overdose? Or Just hexing? PLEASE HELP.
Reborn Views: 1,550
Published: 10 y
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Re: Did I overdose? Or Just hexing? PLEASE HELP.

I wish I knew why our muscles twitch and cramp....not sure if it is toxins or parasites in the muscles. I am not near the expert that many on here are....I am learning myself.
I was diagnosed with Ascaris and d.fragilis a year ago and so have been dosing myself with Albenza because it is not in Canada.
I couldn't understand why I couldn't get relief from the Albenza only to discover recently that I also have tapeworm(s). Spent a year learning all I could about Ascaris only to now learn all I can about bloody tapeworms.
I tried ivermectin a few times and that seemed to stir up all kinds of weird crawling sensations up and down my neck and back. Yikes.
You're not crazy. If a girl from middle-class suburbia in Ontario can have so many inflictions, anyone can. I have no idea where I caught all of these but suspect have had them since a child.
Here I am perusing the forums once again but this time my search word is "tapeworm". Who knows what my next search word will be.
Sorry about the novella.


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