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Re: hiv cure?
david1o1 Views: 3,745
Published: 10 y
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Re: hiv cure?

Positive offset zappers will boost the immune system and help destroy pathogens. Pathogens and the body's electrical charges are totally the opposite of each other. Pathogens are positive charge and acidic and the body is slightly negative charge and alkaline. That is why positive offset zappers have some effect.
"pathogens" has a vague meaning, what do you mean exactly ?
Your theory sounds cool, but where are the objective proofs ?

3554 hertz (HIV)
How do you know ? Where does this information come from ? Is it justified or is it repeated information found on the web ?

Parazapper included in the last MY Plus device a mode 11B that includes all the frequencies that are listed on the CAFL list
And how do you know that these frequencies are efficient ? Maybe they are just part of a marketing strategy to sell zappers/frequency generators. The lack of serious experiments and objective proofs make these devices look inefficient and worthless...

The frequencies are dead on accurate, but do they work? I don't know.
Good at least you are honest about this.

I did get great results early on
What does "great results" mean ?

Now here is something else that may be the final nail for HIV. Spooky 2. I think the COMBINATION approach may eradicate HIV.
I think you should also try my new ritual : when there is a full moon, sacrifice a peanut by cutting it into 3 in the longest side. If the peanut breaks, nothing will happen, if the peanut stays intact, it will spread an EMFW which will kill all the parasites in your body. Great stuff, and cheap.

This multi-faceted approach, even if it did not flat out cure HIV will at least get the virus far , far below the levels of the ultra sensitive viral load test.
Yeah let's use several different treatments at the same time and then claim that this or that is efficient... Very logical and reasonable thinking...

What would happen if MEGA vitamin C were also taken, plus the medication, plus Parazapper's MY PLUS mode 11B and the Spooky2?
It depends if each treatment is really efficient to do something or not, if not, you will just waste money and time...

About HIV and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome, maybe the decrease of the immune system is not only affected by the hiv but also by others factors (air, water, food, movement, sleep, agglomerations in the liver, gallbladder, colon, kidneys, toxic substances, others infections, etc...)


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