Re: hiv cure or even a simple reduction in symptoms?
The biggest danger to myself is if I become actually cured and then state exactly what I did. Btw, people should have no fear of the HAART meds for another simple reason. MEGA vitamin C is a very powerful anti-toxin. In very high doses, MEGA vitamin can combat even rattlesnake venom. I was curious to see if I would stay HIV undetectable on the Ultra-sensitive test (below 20 particles) when taking Mega vitamin C and Atripla and it turns out that I still am undetectable.
Here is the real danger. HIV is an industry that pulls in many $10's of Billions of $dollars$ every year. The medical weasels involved in that racket will not like anyone that cuts into their profits, which includes those other weasels that hide themselves behind various religions as phony healers.
HIV, Ebola and H1N1 were all bio-engineered in a lab. It already has been established that Bob Beck flat out lied repeatedly on his zapper & protocol being effective on HIV. But I & others also determined that zapper does improve energy and can help with some issues. Better technology is available today that leaves Beck's methods behind. It was
Hulda Clark who was actually getting the results on HIV and she documented the hell out of everything and published those extensive and detailed works, while Bob Beck flat out published nothing.
What burns me up, is that when people get garbage information and other rely on it & find it does not work, it makes it look like all electronic technology to fight microbes is bad. Such is the work of disinformation agents. So beware of testimonies also. I personally think it is a good idea, in general, to keep testimonies out of the product manufacturers' websites, because the axiom is "The Truth is Might, It Will Prevail". If it works, people will find out fast. The positive offset is a very vital feature in any contact type device, along with the proper accurate frequencies.
Why I highly suspect HIV is curable is because the ones that initially released the virus, would not do so unless they had a cure themselves. Another hint was that Bob Beck claimed he was curing CIA agents (yes Bob Beck DID have deep Intel connections) in secret of HIV. That may be true. The part is lied about was the methods he actually used.