Re: Dry Fasting ???Question???
I wanted to share a few other thoughts. Most of us who wanted to enter ketosis at one point just sat and waited for the days to pass until we began the process. Then people began to learn they can go into the process not being full of glycogen and move around a lot to get there quickly.
I could sit on my butt and not move for 24 hours and possible experience very little thirst. Isn't the goal of dry fasting minor to extreme dehydration after all? Why not sauna? I do not understand but am willing to learn how this does not expedite the process.
See, I would rather run up a shorter steep hill once than a longer hill twice. I have learned that many things have shortcuts, but some do not. Dehydration does.
So, again, I am off on looking at the study of what I could call "intermittent dry fasting". I have learned the power of intermittent fasting and actually most days when I am eating, eat only once. I feel better and enjoy this much more than eating all throughout the day.
Where is our
Science on this topic lol. I can't find it! I am just going by feel, and it feels right.