Battling strongyloides is a long hard fight as I am still fighting the encysted ones . After 6 months of ICUs protocol with a little extra ivermectin I was still only 60 percent better I am now on my 11th month of parasitic meds and I am 95 percent better and I will reach 100 percent by end of summer god willing . The fenbendazole in my 7th month to present along with ivermectin and doxy has brought my parasite burden to a minimum. I have no more juvenile L1 L2 larvae for quite a while so that means no more adults laying their eggs. The encysted ones can be tricked out of hibernation as they don't eat at this stage and expel energy when our body temps are elevated so the encysted ones have a choice die or molt to L4 then L5 adult . So when they get to this stage they have to eat to survive so keeping my body properly medicated will ensure that I give them a final farewell dinner. I would also like to bring up the cdc and there lack of detail on a proper protocol for treatment and the absence of any articles on encysted L3 strongyloides in humans . They have plenty of case reports of deaths from patients having reoccurring strongyloidiasis after several 1or 2 dose monthly treatments then dying months later. So how much meds and how long is the question of eliminating strongyloides and that can be achieved . I will continue to stay on my meds regularly until I have no more rashes but will worm myself monthly at minimum when I am fully cured . Every time We Herx is a major victory Happy hunting and kill them all.