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Re: please help:new to liver cleansing, need guidance and advice
Jill1556 Views: 2,474
Published: 10 y
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Re: please help:new to liver cleansing, need guidance and advice

I switched to a vegan diet when I was very unhealthy. I was completely unsure how to eat at that point since there is so much contradictory information out there, but I was in a bookstore one day and saw a book by Kimberly Snyder called The Beauty Detox Solution and I bought it because she looked so healthy on the cover. It really saved my life (in addition to the flushes). It's about the purpose and benefits of a vegan diet. I actually don't eat many nuts or seeds - I just don't crave them. There is plenty of protein in greens. I like to eat vegetable dishes (e.g., Indian food), and I eat pasta, salads, etc. When I go out, I will confess that I do have dishes with milk or cheese, but at home I don't do that. I think I also like Sugar a little too much, but nobody's perfect!

I think the problem with the paleo diet is that meat in regular quantities causes all sorts of problems in the body. That causes the liver to fill up with stones, which results in even more trouble.

I suggest that you flush and the parasites will go away naturally. I never did any parasite cleansing. They're there because they're feeding on waste, if there's no waste, they'll die. According to Andreas Moritz , it will cause more problems to kill them at once.


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