please help:new to liver cleansing, need guidance and advice
I'm coming to this forum because i've been in a bad place with my health for the past year and am feeling quite hopeless, so i hope that some of you can help me out with some suggestions.
i know that i need to cleanse my liver and support it, but i have no idea where to begin and i'm financially limited, so i don't have the money to spend on tons of supplements and gadgets like "zappers." im trying to get better by spending as little amount of money as possible, but i also understand that some money does need to be spent in order to see results.
As for my liver, its evident that it needs work. That is based on the following:
a year ago i began having upper abdominal distension in my epigastrum (not sure if this is a problem with my stomach, small intestines, liver?), but it sticks out, especially after eating. Along with this, i began having a gnawing hunger feeling in that area, especially after eating. Its the same kind of feeling you get in your stomach when you are hungry. along with this, i began refluxing my food and couldnt keep any food down. I was told that i had excess bile in my stomach, shown by an endoscopy. My blood tests also showed high levels of bilirubin in my blood.
i also began having fatigue, stopped menstruating, and symptoms of low thyroid. my blood tests showed low T3.
i have undigested food in my stool and dont really seem to digest most of my food, internal hemmoroids, high liver enzymes in blood tests, and sometimes when i eat, i get these "popping" or "bubbling" feelings in my abdomen, as if my intestines are popping. its not painful, just feels very uncomfortable and makes me gassy sometimes. I also have a slight yellowish tint to my skin, and extremelyyy dark and long undereye circles and bags. ive got pain over my liver area that comes and goes, as well as pain between my shoulder blade and spine on the right side.
i was told by a chiropractor i have adrenal fatigue based on a saliva test,and my chinese medicine doctor told me my liver energy is very low. i occassionally get some muscle twitching, im irritable and depressed, have brain fog/ memory issues, very low energy, water retention, hair thinning, extremely cold feet and hands, rapid aging on my face, and symptoms of estrogen dominance. i also have autoimmune thyroid disease.
ive been eating a paleo diet for the past 8 months to help with leaky gut, and im on several supplements.
Soooooo, ive done a lot of research and have come to the conclusion that the "gnawing" hunger feeling i get is most likely bile refluxing into my stomach. So, its evident that i really need to work on my liver.
My questions are:
can i start with
Liver Cleansing or is it dangerous to do that without first cleaning the colon and kidneys?
with that being said, wouldnt it be best to cleanse my liver first before my colon? if i cleanse my colon with a faulty liver, my body wouldnt filter out the toxins well and im afraid of getting sicker.
could i run the risk of making my adrenal fatigue worse by cleansing my liver?
has anyone else experienced any of these symptoms and had relief from liver cleansing?
and lastly,
where the heck do i even begin? i feel like i read so many different opinions on
Liver Cleansing and it just stresses me out to the point where i dont even attempt to do it at all. if anyone can please give me specific steps and directions or direct me somewhere for that information, that would be great.