I have a craving for VCO myself. I purchase it in large 25Kg tubs which illustrates how much I love the stuff. I also eat it from a desert spoon and limit myself to 2, 3 or occasionally 4 at a time but try and limit myself as much as possible.
Negative effects: Weight gain and the effects that high saturated fats can have in regards to vitamins.
Saturated fats and especially VCO can be very restoring to the nervous system which is why I think I like it. I examine my irises and they show a grey ring around the pupil which has lightened over the last 18 months, particularly in the area of the small intestine, with all the VCO that I have eaten.
It does also have a protective effect on the brain which is at risk by the cause of these problems. Low stomach acid activity is a common problem under such circumstances but extremely difficult to fix.