I try to stick to posting things that I have actual experience with so I can't really speak to that. From what I read in the Bible, it does seem pretty clear that Jesus is going to return in His glorified form but I have never prayed or tried to understand the truth about this topic.
I probably should have put it another way. But my point is look at what Jesus says about how His followers will behave. Now look at how many professed followers of Jesus there are in the world. Actually, I just looked it up and there was a study done saying that nearly 1/3 of the population of Earth claim themselves to be Christian. I have no idea how accurate that is, but from my experience and travels, this seems like it fits with what I observe. Now look at the things that go on in the world and the way things are. There is no way these people are living the gospel. If Christians put as much effort into actually letting Christ transform them as the effort Christians put into assuring themselves how saved they are, congratulating each other on being saved and converting other people to also believe that they are saved, this world would be a very different place.