Prednisone - Need some insight
DOES ANYONE KNOW any helpful sites/links, clinics, doctors, protocols, TCM, alternative ways to deal with inflammation that can give some detailed information about how to get free from this terrible medication? I research like it's my job and can't seem to locate real solutions. Maybe I need to switch browsers and use TOR. I really don't know where to find the info I need right now and I'm in dire need.
Doctors that i've seen just want to replace the prednisone with another equally harmful immune suppressant drug. I can't put anymore toxins in my body. In addition, I don't think weakening the immune system is the answer, as I've read enough to know that the cause isn't a flawed immune response. Pathogens, parasites, bacteria overgrowth, environmental factors, ect., are most likely the main factors alarming the body.
I keep finding very general information about the drug. I need to find some in depth information about how to successfully taper when being treated with LONG TERM prednisone treatment. That mean years, not months. It's pretty complicated when the body has been getting these toxins for years.
ANYTHING helpful is GREATLY appreciated
PS: [I actually came across a brilliant video about topical steroids. The doctor, Marvin J. Rapaport, M.D. knows what he's talking about regarding eczema. Topical is different than systemic. This does't apply to my situation, but I'm sure someone could benefit from knowing about how this doctor helps people. I'll post the video in the eczema forum ]