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Re: Something NEW Found
WisingUp Vol 2 Views: 2,520
Published: 10 y
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Re: Something NEW Found

"Chemtrails and flying disk-its a theory."

Noting simple observations in passing in a post do not a theory make.
You don't appear to know the difference.

"Somehow you are in the middle of this big conspiracy."

"Playing Dumb," is an Art Form.
One I'm not too terribly good at.
If I was in the middle of such a thing I would already be Past Tense.
I'd already be accidented or suicided (unless there was some sort of bizarre, "gentlemen's agreement," among opposing Magickians, Illuminati, in something that is being played out above the heads, figuratively and in one aspect, literally, of the multitude.... there goes that, "fantasy," writing again).
Still here.

"My Morgellons story-simply start in your jaw- see biological dentist and get checked. Morgellons has bacteria- parasite and fungal issues associated with it. Now where on your body would you most likely find an infection like that? the jaw?"

Are you still, "jawing," on and on about that?

By your own admission you did not have the colored fibers (what they represent still a subject of debate for many).... a hallmark of morg.
It is odd that you want so desperately to be included as a morg sufferer.
But not so odd when one takes into account that your entire spiel hinges on you being a, "former," morg sufferer.

You've upped the ante in that you now include parasite and fungal issues.
You must have been obliged to actually go read, in the last few days, what Bill Harvey actually had to say, his thoughts on morg (S.E. Asian helminth that underwent mutation in the 70s).

None of that changes the fact that you are essentially a putz that pounces on newbies via uninvited pm who are desperate for info. As you did me.

Johnny One Note. Keep, "jawin," away. You're presently committed, all in, to your mindset.
Wonder how many let a tooth get yanked after reading/listening to you?


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