"I have seen and taken pictures of something very odd in the chemtrail part of things that I had decided not to share in times past here.
Discs. Same as that disc leaving a trail on the Carnicom site.
With this new find, that sprang to mind.
Now I'm sounding like some kind of lalaland case. I would not believe any of this if I hadn't run across these things following concerted efforts of observation and cataloging.
I've witnessed and taken pictures of the discs doing some sky work. Don't ask for those pictures. I have my reasons"
SO LET ME GET THIS RIGHT. My take is the central issue with morgellons is in the jaw. Your take is flying disk and chemtrails that you saw and took picture of but for some odd reason wont post.
Well let hope you aren't right-sounds like a book from L. Ron Hubbard