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Re: Winding Up Your Case, phelp
phelp Views: 4,292
Published: 10 y
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Re: Winding Up Your Case, phelp

Hey- I am simply a guy who had morgellons and doesn't anymore. Morgellons cost me many thousands of dollars-relationships and years-just like everyone else.
I don't sell anything, I don't have a websight, I don't want anything from anyone. I remember itching from head to toe for years-life was terrible-really terrible. I went to the tradional docs who make their money-give you 5 minutes and think that you are nuts. They didn't even try.

Somehow I found my way out of morgellons. Surely I am not the only one who cause is/was dental. I see and hear others trying stuff and never finding a cure and never looking at the jaw. Maybe I should have just taken my cure and gone on with my life but why not try to help others.

Hey don't look at your jaw-shoot me an email if you find another cure nobody will be happier for you and more surprised. Or you can wait for traditional medicine to find a cure.

Please don't look the jaw-but when you get to a point of having done everything else give it some thought it just might be your only way out. I'm not sure what the downside is to cleaning out the jaw.

FYI-you may want to encourage people who cured their morgellons to write on this or any board-especially people not selling a thing!

Best of luck with a cure-everyone deserves to be cured of this-Im pulling for you



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