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Re: mouth, jaw, tooth, infection, dentist, morgellons
WisingUp Vol 2 Views: 4,320
Published: 10 y
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Re: mouth, jaw, tooth, infection, dentist, morgellons


Would you please post Who Where When you received your morg diagnosis from.
If memory serves from a post quite some time ago it was in Arizona, Colorado, somewhere in the SouthWest U.S.
Please include the name of the clinic/facility the caregiver who made your diagnosis was working from at the time of the diagnosis.
I could look through your old posts but it would be a service to all if you post again in this thread.

People should have that info, do a review search, and judge on merit(s).

You don't seem to have any microscopic evidence from your own efforts; from what I've gathered you were and have been reliant on someone else for the morg diagnosis.

We all need all the info we can get on this.
Information is critical, key.

I, for one, would like to review some of the background on your case and it may be good for others to do so as well.
This far along the time tunnel I may or may not arrive at a different conclusion from that arrived at the last time I looked at your case in further depth.

A good number of us are learning as we go, finding out more.
Another in-depth look at the caregiver, facility/clinic in relation to your morg diagnosis is warranted.



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