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Re: Please give me some feedback on my possible case of AF and the role of B12 in it all
koimate123 Views: 1,866
Published: 10 y
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Re: Please give me some feedback on my possible case of AF and the role of B12 in it all

So I got my 4x cortisol test back today.

It says basically that my cortisol is normally in all regards except it starts to elevate at about 6pm when it should start dropping off. So at night (10pm) I have higher than normal cortisol levels.

I think that was surprising was that my DHEA-S levels were at 25.3 when the reference range is 0.7 - 9.4.

Im trying to find out what could be causing this but its just so hard to put any one thing down to it.

About 2 weeks ago I had a few days of the week where I felt amazing and incredibly articulated. I haven't felt that kind of energy i n such a long time. All I can put that down to is the B12 shot I had 2 days prior.

So yesterday I gave myself a shot of b12 (cobalamin) to see if I get the same surge of energy. Felt really fatigued again today so maybe its got a bit of a fuse to it?

Another weird thing is that I get bleeding gums unless I megadose on vitamin C. This to me seems like a sign of adrenal fatigue?

If anyone has some advice I would be greatly appreciative!



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