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Re: Please give me some feedback on my possible case of AF and the role of B12 in it all
joegrane Views: 1,789
Published: 10 y
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Re: Please give me some feedback on my possible case of AF and the role of B12 in it all

That's a pretty good start. PS could also help with memory a bit.

Check out this story about B12 injections. I followed the guy's progress for a few years in one of the Yahoo detox groups. I found him to be compelling.

Learn about methylation support, including how heavy metals foul up the methylation related enzyme methionine synthase (MS in the diagram below)

For others reading this, some people, myself included are quite sensitive to more than tiny doses of B12. We become agitated and hyperactive. I hear that some people can become violent. It makes sense to me to try methyl B12 sublingual before getting an injection.

I'd certainly wait for the results of the cortisol test before messing with HC! There are precursors to cortisol that are OTC in some countries, especially pregnenolone. It probably won't replace HC for those who are quite sick but might allow a person to take smaller doses.




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