Re: Why not do both herbs AND zapper together??
I did the Beck zapper for a few years for 8 hours a day and took about 30 vitamin and herbal supplements a day. But according to Bob Beck:
1) NO orthodox cancer treatments - NONE,
2) NO other alternative cancer treatments (see above),
3) NO prescription drugs (see above),
4) NO pain killers,
5) NO blood thinners (e.g. Coumadin),
6) NO herbs (including NO seasonings),
7) NO garlic or anything closely related to garlic!! (especially no garlic)
8) NO strong over-the-counter medications (e.g. no aspirin, no Tylenol),
9) NO vitamins (especially no vitamin A),
10) NO supplements, including NO enzymes,
11) NO alcohol, "recreational" drugs, coffee, tea, etc.,
Currently I am using the Parazapper My a good 6 hours a day and not using any Beck zapper at all.