Re: i believe i have figured out morgellons!!!!!!!!!
In all your posts I have not seen a reference to you using a microscope in your work.
Did you do an extensive microscopic study?
Simply getting rid of a
Cell Phone , cutting off wifi, not having any remote phones in the house has not resulted in a cure for many morgellons sufferers.
Some have already tried that due to a perceived electronic connection to some of the symptoms that some people have experienced over time.
Some, not all.
Getting rid of the aforementioned gadgets did not result in healings.
That means some have already gone well past where you are now in this mystery.
Some of those have had to learn to use a microscope.
Again, have you done a legitimate microscopic study to definitively rule out any biologicals in your particular case?
If you have tried to help others out, person to person, face to face, have you used a microscope?
If so, why?
If not, why not?
Perhaps cutting out the gadgets was what you needed.
It hasn't been the cure for far too many.
For you to claim a comprehensive cause and cure for all sufferers requires you to come up with the numbers.
As in people. Many, many, many.
Maybe if you think about this you might be more civil in attempting to communicate with others here.
When you tell people to cut out the gadgets you are only preaching to the choir in many cases.
There are people that already did that some time ago.
And are still suffering.
Remember. The U.S. is ground zero for Morgellons.
Ground zero.
More people have had to attempt to deal with this for longer than anywhere else on the planet.
Your approach has already been tried.
You are late to the party.
THAT is why so many discount what you have to say.
So, when you come here, realize that some have already been there, done that, and have had to move on.