Candida Natural Cure
Finally under control after 7 years
Hello all,
I' am a terrible terrible writer so I will just get to the point.
I've had Candida for from age 16, I am now 23.
For the first time since that point I am in control of my condition.
I still have mild issues, but on the whole I am a million miles from where I have been.
While trying to figure out what was wrong with me and then later cure myself naturally, I have up to this date tried:
Bitter Apricot Kernals
Apple cider vinegar
Coconut oil
Oregano Oil
Olive leaf
Black walnut
St Johns Wort
Tansy Herb
Shea Butter
Bicarbonate of Soda
A restricted Diet- Excluding every type of food at some point
There are many others, but lets just say, If someone has suggested it on the internet. I've tried it! We're talking 7 years of day to day struggle here.
All of these worked to some degree. But all eventually lost their effect, as the candida adapted. This is extremely painful and emotionally draining as you probably well know.
However, what I'm writing to tell you is that There are 3 things which I would have paid pure GOLD to know about at the beginning of my struggle.
The the most powerful - QUASSIA.
Best Probiotic - KEFIR
Best anti-inflammation - CATS CLAW
When you reaslise how powerful Quassia is you will thank the heavens.
Its a yellow bark, which I buy as a powder and boil into tea.
Its literally the bitterest thing I have ever tasted.
I drink this after I eat anything.
I then drink Cats claw tea to relax my stomach. For some reason this helps the Quassia do its job.
The kefir Helped get my gut bacteria back into shape. I've stopped drinking this, but It was the first major weapon I could trust against the Candida. It completely changed my body.
So yeah, get some Quassia Powder from ebay or wherever. I swear my Existence upon it!!
Kefir and Cats Claw are a must also.
Good luck, people!
I know your Pain!!!