Re: It's All In Your Head
Passionate debate is important in controversial topics, especially for those who are new to the debate and are looking to learn. Of course a disrespectful debate won't be productive.
When I was new to the debate about heavy metals (HMs) for my list of symptoms including adrenal fatigue I sought out the debates so I could be aware of the relevant issues. I was also looking for the person with the best explanations.
I'm much more confident than most people in HM detox groups because my case was well documented and rather obvious--in retrospect. Getting a good diagnosis for a HM problem is often so difficult.
Prior to starting detox my urine porphyrins, urine test provoked with DMSA and hair tests were all negative for a HM problem. The hair test reported lead and cadmium as the highest of the nasty toxins but they were not really high. They also matched well my symptom list, my exposure history growing up in a renovation construction business, and my response to related supplements.
Having a mysterious bone density problem and low kidney numbers correct themselves after a couple of years of HM detox gives me more confidence to discuss my case than the average person with and HM problem. Most of us are stuck with mood problems, food intolerance, fatigue, etc. It is hard to quantify those. It is easier to accuse a person of having a psychological problem. It is much harder to ignore a series of bone density tests in a person who once broke his leg without any contact while just playing badminton with little relatives!
Now that I've witnessed the gradual transformation of my close female friend who was essentially disabled for decades with PTSD I'm even more confident about speaking out. How many others are suffering needlessly because they did not get a good diagnosis!?
Obviously most people don't have a HM problem; however, if a person has a list of symptoms that match and doctors have not made much progress getting to the root of the problem, doesn't it make sense to consider HMs?
Remember, Charkee, wrote "The copper issue is not the cause. It is subconscious and conscious emotional distress."
How can any sane person be that confident from reading a couple of posts from someone in a discussion group? That's just crazy.