Re: Kenyan diet has nothing to do with their running success
Yes, because I never said the Kenyain's high-carb/low-fat diet is the sole reason for their dominance. I'm just showing that their dominance INCLUDES the diet you Paleo people think is the devil. Btw, are you ever going to show me those worldclass Paleo marathoners? Their must be a lot if the Paleo diet is so great.
You also know I'm a he and what my name is because you were told so:
"You keep saying "he", but to me, the tone of the writing seems female. I can't really put a finger on it, but it just seems that way. I guess it doesn't really matter, but for some reason it strikes me as wrong when you say "he" or "him", when referring to the person."
#181311 (wiredgeneration)
"Thats quite believeable but his name is Nate"
"I know that it's not relevant to the discussion, but I actually assumed that natway was simply short for natural way. "
So either you're lying about what you assumed my name was, or you have really poor mental cognition which is not unusual for people on low-carb diets, like Paleo.
When someone knows someone is a he, but refer them as a she, it usually means they are purposely being derogatory towards them.