Re: Treating Schitsosomiasis with Praziquantel?
First, AMA doctors are Not allowed to prescribe or even to mention most supplements Not approved by the FDA. The FDA only approves supplements they research, even tho the supplement has prove its value over 6,000 years, like licorice, and thousands more. Vitamin D has been shot down so many times and comeback that the FDA finally gave up, FDA, RDA gives its approval of ‘D’ at a ridicules low amount. ‘C’ is not allowed in hospital, allows 75,000 to get infections in hospitals and die. ‘C’ is the best preventer and cure on the planet, of all infections. Put that in your search box! Oh, doctors report that they received a one hour lecture on nutrients, nothing on vitamins except, not toprescribe anything not approved by the AMA or FDA!!! Healthy people don’t come to forums like CZ. Why should they? Around the world there are maybe 50, a hundred herbals that stop parasites. I only recommend two spectrum
parasite killers ‘C’ and ‘DE’, many others are only a few clicks away on the internet. Pau D’Arco is another broad spectrum
parasite killer and prevents. The last few years hundreds of
parasites have come into this country,in imported foods, products, immigrants. I was warned 30 years ago not to buy imported clothes because of parasites.
All Drugs are part of the
Conspiracy to reduce man on this over populated planet and profit at the same time!!! Our food is also a under attack. Wake up!!
Another tidbit! Why did the druggies hire the death camps scientist as ‘consultant’. Imprisoned after WWII and released in the in the 1950’s. I am also a history buff! Hitler signed on the Druggeis like Bayer to run the death camps and use the inmates as experimental subjects. I won’t get into American billionaires that were some of Hitlers financial backers. Do the research when not pushing Drugs. Are you calling mother nature stupid?
Enuff! As much as I enjoy shooting sitting ducks etc…dez...