Attacking Grizz: “Grizz: this is for you one day that you might come to your senses and hopefully reverse your piglike appearance….. Your giant goiterneck is not 'natural' or some sort of cute bearlike feature.” //
Attacking Trapper yet again: “trapper harrassing people... I think actually both you and trapper now should be banned from this support forum…..//
Attacking B3nault: BUT most normal people don't drink gallons of mountain dew, or eat weird things like rocks or plates. That special distinction is reserved for the extremely weird.
So mr b3weird and b3angry, go f*** yourself. //
Attacking Trapper & myself:
Someone was kind enough to send me a picture of trapper and let me assure you that this guy is as far from having a six pack as you can get with the exception of maybe grizz. grizz's neck is six pack though (of beer). or maybe six six packs = 36 pack. he has a 36 pack neck. trapper is basically a liar. Trapper and his merry band of liars //
Attacking Trapper & myself:
I have both Trapper and Grizz on the liar list. Neither will post pictures of their tongues.
trapper is using Iodine like cocaine as a stimulant (to cover up for all of the illnesses that he claims are cured) and his behavior reflects perfectly that of an addict. //
Attacking b3nault: BUT most normal people don't drink gallons of mountain dew, or eat weird things like rocks or plates. That special distinction is reserved for the extremely weird.
So mr b3weird and b3angry, go f*** yourself. //
Insulting Trapper & Grizz again: Trapper needs to have all moderating privileges revoked.
Grizz is an absolute nightmare as far as helping anyone. Some very inexperienced and dangerous people are running the monkeyhouse. //
Attacking Vulcanel: Vulcanel the 55 year old fossil who has one last chance to get some pu$$y by convincing Vagigi that he is a wizard. //
Attacking Vulcanel: Every time you almost act like a normal person you have to ruin it by acting like a complete retard. I bet you never got any tail in high school right? Your overcompensation is so obvious. //