Re: DE Food Grade advise
Ok.. so if you take it at breakfast, then wait until lunch to take the first dose of your
parasite cleanse. By then the DE should be out of your stomach and small intestine.
Just make sure you are drinking extra fluids and maybe even some apple juice too. DE can block you up and cause problems if your don't keep you bowels moving.
I'm not sure when to go up to 2 tsp. As long as you are having a good bowel movement every day, you could probably start taking the 2 tsp in another day or 2. You will want to eat yogurt every day too, so you can replace the bacteria needed for digestion.
The most important part is to keep your bowels moving. If you don't go to the bathroom at all in a 24 hour period, then don't take any more DE until you go again. You don't want to create an intestinal blockage. That does not happen often with herbal cleanses though.
I think you can continue taking DE for as long as you like.
I felt it did not help with my
parasite infection, but I did like how it cleaned out my digestive system. As long as it does not make you constipated and you are eating yogurt to replace good bacteria, you can countinue it every day indefinitely. It can be very good for you and may prevent future
parasite infections.