Re: Beck Protocol: 6 Months Results on HIV positive individual
The "Beck Protocol" does NOT do a damn thing against HIV. (actually I highly suspect it makes the virus thrive more, along with regenerating the body). I have 7 Beck zappers and used them for years, every day for usually 8 hours a day and sometimes used 2 zappers at once for 16 hours a day. I have a much better quality ozonator than Sota makes and used it every day along with the magpulser and large amounts of
Colloidal Silver . The Beck protocol will make you feel better by giving you more energy but it flat out does nothing to HIV. Becka is a liar, guaranteed. i think enough people tested his "protocol" and maybe died to show it flat out does not work on HIV. I posted about mega-dosing intravenous or liposomal vitamin C. That will work and is backed up by decades of research on many severe viral issues. Plus vitamin C is non-toxic, even in huge doses. The sicker you are, the more you can take. Look up research by Dr. Klenner, Dr, Cathcart, and Dr Levy besides Dr Linus Pauling. And stay with it. Mega-dose even after you are well. We as humans likely had the capability to produce own own vitamin C in the body, in years past, like 99.99% of the rest of the animal world. Scientists say if we had that capability again, we would live to be 100's of years old and be young. This would likely be why Noah lived to 920 years old. The Bible may be historically accurate. A theory exists that after Noah, the vitamin C capability regressed in mankind and that caused a greatly diminished lifespan. Why is FIV not lethal in Cats? Cats make their own vitamin C. about 2,400 mg a day for a little cat, yet the FDA says the human RDA is only 60 mg. In EVERY species on the earth, that manufactures their own vitamin C, the ratio of vitamin C per pound weight is about the same. A goat that weighs 160
pounds will make 14,000 mg per day under normal circumstances and much more when sick. These are Facts.